mardi 27 septembre 2011


Both of our female ducks have been in hiding for a while. On of them just resurfaced with 8 ducklings.

dimanche 25 septembre 2011

images d'autoconstruction

Petit a petit le batiment avance. Toute octobre on va continuer la paille et de gens qui veut aider sont bienvenu.

jeudi 22 septembre 2011


new billy

Adele got herself a new man. One of the two billys died this year and this being the season when there service is required she was eager to find another one. He is very handsome but he does smell like a real goat man. And does not have a name yet. The year is f and we are open for proposals.

- My parents propose Faust, we like that.


Comme chaque année en automn Jean-Marc est venu a la ferme aujourd'hui pour tondre les brebis. Une grosse journée avec 110 brebis a tondre. Yan et notre nouveau stagiare Thomas amenent les brebis a Jean-Marc et lui prend quelques minutes pour chaque animal.

samedi 17 septembre 2011

panier de legumes de cette semaine

Cette semaine dans le panier : tomates, haricots a ecousser, mizuna, salade, pak choi, concombre, echalottes et pommes de terre rose de france.

jeudi 15 septembre 2011

today's lettuces

These are today's lettuces, that I will start cutting as soon as the sun gets up.

sorti en caleche

second cut

Luckily we had enough dry days to do a second cut of hay. In this season it always takes longer to dry but it is more nutritious than normal hay.
These pictures are taken just behind our house. I love the three hornbeam trees

human chess

For the party somebody came over who animated a human game of chess where all the figures were real people. Unfortunately I did not see it because I was putting Gabriel to bed for his lunch time nap at the time.

fete d'eté

Encore des photos de la fete
en aout.

jeudi 1 septembre 2011

happiness is a new stable

We spent so much time with the goats being in the dark old cow stables. I don't come here often but at the moment it is pure joy to see the goats in this light, airy space. Makes you want to scream. Gabe thinks so, too.