lundi 9 novembre 2009


Raymond, Gaby's father died on All Saints day. He has been in hospital for a week or so and Gaby did not expect him to come home again. He seems to take it relatively well. We will miss the cheerful old man, always smiling, always smoking. The funeral though was the worst funeral that I ever went to. My parents called the church in Chapelle Voland Beerdigungskirche - funeral church, funerals is all that ever happens here. No regular service, no marriages or baptisms, only funerals for an aging population. A neighboor gave a short summary of Raymonds life (born at this date, went to this school, went to war, took over parents farm, etc). We could have said something more personal, just after this year that we have known Raymond. Since the french buy flowers for toissant for their deceised relatives, the cemetery was completely covered in flowers. Note the wooden cross. That is Raymond' s grave.

jeudi 5 novembre 2009


Meine Gemuesekiste im Oktober. Mittlerweile habe ich 10 Kunden, die jede Woche eine Kiste abholen. Ich hoffe, dass ich noch genug Gemuese habe um fast bis Weihnachten Kisten zu fuellen und nicht immer das gleiche reinzutun...

nouveaux arrives

Depuis mis octobre il y a 80 brebis basco-bernaise et 8 chevre de plus (alors 25 en totale) a la ferme. Yan devient de plus en plus connu dans le coins parce que il sort ces brebis tous le jour et se promene avec. Sur le photo le brebis visitent le nouveau tunnel, qui vient d'arriver lui aussi...

Tunnel II

A few weeks ago I bought a tunnel and set it up in the garden, that was a good testrun for the big tunnel that we finished putting up on sunday. The small one we could just assemble by hand standing on ladders. This one needed concrete foundations first and we had to put it up with a tractor. Took as a while to figure it out but then the tunnel went up quite quickly. Not something I want to do every day but very satisfying nevertheless and i am so happy to have these tunnels standing before the winter.

mercredi 4 novembre 2009


Dank tatkraeftiger Hilfe meiner Eltern und von Freunden, bin ich jetzt stolzer Besitzer von zwei Tunnel (mit zusammen 500 m2 Flaeche), die beide mehr oder weniger aufgebaut sind. Die Struktur steht, fehlt noch das Plastik und einige Kleinigkeiten. Besonders mein Vater hat hart dran gearbeitet.