lundi 28 novembre 2011

The green revolution and beyond

The present paradigm of intensive crop production cannot meet the challenges of the new millenium
says the FAO in a video that they made to promote their new report about how world food production has to change to keep track with population increase and loss of agriculture land in the 21 st century.

dimanche 27 novembre 2011

Blog stats

For a month I had a different template for the blog that was a little flashier and all of a sudden I had almost ten times as many clicks, now I changed it back to the old format and the statistics have returned to normal. But there were not ten times as many people looking at the blog, but the template generates more clicks, handy if you want to earn money through advertisments I suppose (because you get payed according to the traffic you generate on your blog).

The russian web site listed under traffic sources (domar) is what I learned a referrer spam. They do this with hundreds or thousands of blogs (with bots) to show up as a link in the stats and thus improve the search engine ranking with thousands of blogs linking to their site.

samedi 26 novembre 2011


Nach jährlichen Hauptversammlung von grain a moudre haben wir es zum ersten Mal geschaft einen Spielabend zu organisieren. Mögen viele weitere folgen.

samedi 19 novembre 2011

AG du grain à moudre

Du grain à moudre a tenu son assemblée generale a Torpes debut novembre. L'apres-midi ils avaient quatres ateliers (vannerie, poterie, patisserie et fabrication des objet de nature).

vendredi 18 novembre 2011

Bring on the dirt

Now we filled in the walls with straw bales, we cover the outside with a layer of clay and soil to protect and insulate the straw.

folding the crane

Luckily Alix has a friend who's job it is to install cranes. He helped us to install ours and now helped us to fold it again since we don't need it anymore for this building and had to move to do more earthwork.

mercredi 16 novembre 2011


Finalement les eleveurs ont degrainé le reste du mais 2010 pour vider les secheurs de mais pour les remplir avec la recolte 2011 et on a faire recolter le mais lundi.

lundi 14 novembre 2011


Anders als im Mai geschrieben, hat nicht mein Vater alleine den neuen Tunnel aufgebaut sondern meine Eltern zusammen. Hier der Beweis.

Tunnel wird winterfest

Gleichzeitig hat auch der neue Tunnel seine Türen erhalten.

Haus wird winterfest

Mein Papa hat von seinen Glasererfahrungen Gebrauch gemacht und eine neue Haustür eingesetzt (eine gebrauchte Tür, die wir im Internet gefunden haben) und ein zweites Fenster vor ein Einfachglasfenster gesetzt.