Feline, is our guardian dog for the sheep. She lives with them, grew up with them and in theory mostly thinks of herself as a sheep and thus wants to protect her flock. She came to us as a puppy and grew with amazing speed into a big fluffy thing that moves in a rather dorky fashion. On both pictures she is barking at me, doing her job, for she does not know me very well (me being the gardener). She is a Great Pyrenees also known as patou (Belle from Belle et Sebastien is a patou). The other day I saw her carry a newborn lamm in her mouth as a cat might do with a kitten and at first thought she ate it, but she just moved for the flock had moved away and it was a little bit isolated.
- This a trilingual and personal blog about our organic farming and ecovillage efforts in the Bresse in France. - Un blog personel et trilingue sur la Ferme du Jointout et l'ecolieu du portail dans la Bresse Bourguignonne. - Mein dreisprachiger Blog über unseren Biohof und Ökodorf in der Bresse in Frankreich.
lundi 28 février 2011
Feline, is our guardian dog for the sheep. She lives with them, grew up with them and in theory mostly thinks of herself as a sheep and thus wants to protect her flock. She came to us as a puppy and grew with amazing speed into a big fluffy thing that moves in a rather dorky fashion. On both pictures she is barking at me, doing her job, for she does not know me very well (me being the gardener). She is a Great Pyrenees also known as patou (Belle from Belle et Sebastien is a patou). The other day I saw her carry a newborn lamm in her mouth as a cat might do with a kitten and at first thought she ate it, but she just moved for the flock had moved away and it was a little bit isolated.
Jointout red light district
At night one can see red light coming out of certain places at our farm, it is where the young animals are and need some extra warmth because they are not with their mothers anymore. These ducks arrived at the farm today. When they are a little older Frida will do her first training of her herding skills with them.
mercredi 23 février 2011
samedi 19 février 2011
vente aux encheres
J'ai laissé mes collegues partir deux fois aux ventes aux encheres, une fois ils sont revenu avec une voiture rempli des caisses frigo et le deuxieme fois ils sont carrement revenu avec une deuxieme voiture. Mais on a decidé que on s'arrete la pour cette année.
boulangerie avance
mercredi 16 février 2011
Gaec du Jointout All Star Team
We now have more than twenty lambs at the farm (and more arrive everyday), some are already leaving us (i.g. get eaten). It gives the farm a nice feeling with all this youthful energy around.
Unsere ersten kleinen Ziegen sind da, gestern die ersten drei, hier ist Yves, ein Praktikant mit einem der drei... Dies ist natürlich von nun an Teil unseres jährlichen Rhythmus.
samedi 12 février 2011
mardi 8 février 2011
Mitten in der Lammsaison, über 20 sind schon geboren, davon viele Zwillinge. Deswegen hätten wir gerne etwas Kuhmilch von einem Nachbarn gekauft zum komplettieren, aber so ist das System moderner Landwirtschaft, dass man heute keine Milch mehr vom Bauern kaufen kann. Die haben alle ihre Milchquote und wenn sie drunter liegen dann verlieren sie und nächstes Jahr können weniger an die Molkerei abgeben.
dimanche 6 février 2011
Atelier cuisine
Ce weekend grain a moudre a organisé un atelier cuisine des legumes d'hiver au portail. On etais une vingtaine a cuisiner sous guide de Ciriac et Dominque et de manger ensemble. Sympa et a refaire. Peut etre ca deviens un jour une antenne local du mouvement slowfood. Le prochain atelier est deja prevu pour debut mai.
mardi 1 février 2011
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